Put MKV gear in the heronium store!

We can get MK 1-4 in alliance store. Now with MKVI gear needed on the top level rosters there should be no reason to limit MKV gear. Even if you make MKV more accessible we still need to farm MKVI and spend gold on stamina. I dont see why MKV cant have a permanent spot In the heronium store. Im sure your top paying players will appreciate this. I know i would. Lol


I dont even see that much of mk4 in heronium store, dont remember last time
But yeah even if they make mk5 and mk6 easier to find we will need a lot of time to get heroes to ruby.


Lol…i brought this same topic up a month ago King, no developer response.


The most important topic.


I don’t know if I’ve ever even seen MK 4 in the Heronium Store, but I think it’s about time for MK 5 to show up in the Alliance Store at least. The endgame free-to-play players like myself are reaching lvl 95 now. Even if it’s 900 gems or something, I think it’s about time. Hopefully next update or the one after.


Stores in general need an overhaul again, PVP store got an overhaul not long ago to make them all hero frags and that was far better than before. Gauntlet store is yet to be touched with low level bronze and silver gear with occasional gold gear. Who needs heir XP boosters? Gauntlet is the worst store of them all as it is useless to engage players, so that leaves alliance and heronium stores as the only ones endgame players use. That alone is a perfectly fine limiter for growth, so there really is no need for alliance or heronium stores to not have the high end gear at this point. I’d also like to bring up the point that the other 2 stores need an overhaul, they are essentially useless to larger players. I brought this up a long time ago when gauntlet QW was introduced but stores should change based on your bracket/ power. People at a lower level may need silver throwing stars but people at the top need platinum throwing stars. It should evolve with the player growing


I think the reasons this doesn’t happen is because doing so doesn’t net them more money whatsoever…in my eyes I don’t mind the grind because then that means it will take longer for others to catch up. :slight_smile:

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I dont mind the grind either. Its what seperates us from the casual player. With that being said. Putting MKV gear in the heronium store will still take time,$ and grinding. Between farming heronium and the daily limits i doubt you will see a major increase in roster growth in a short period of time. :slight_smile:

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I stay between 300 and 250k heronium daily and buy out the store everyday. For the guys with everyone maxed out and still play pvp MK cores are the only grind left.

And that grind will still be there. Im sitting on over a half a mill in heronium. Max out everything everyday on buys. They can release 5 new heros today and i can 10* 4 plat stripe them all for my rosters base line. Lol this wont change the grind. MKVI and ruby will make sure of that. :wink:

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I agree with kingping and very long making a Ruby would not change much and in the shops now you buy little

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Totaly agree gauntlet store and pvp pretty useless have all hero 10 stars all ready now need ruby,


Mk5 and mk6 will never be in the alliance or heronium store so long as people continue to buy the mk promotional set.


Sure… I’d say it’s time for the mk5 fragments to be added to at LEAST the heronium store. With platinum 6 and ruby grade available, there is still the grind to get mk6 fragments and all ruby parts needed. While I think it’s unlikely, I think it’s time. :call_me_hand:t2:


You are absolutely right bro need mk5 and mk6 cores frags in heronium store to make easy for players to get more ruby heros.
:black_small_square:Now real thing devs got tons of money from samina purchase so they think atleast 100 time to put them in heronium store.
:black_small_square:even without ruby for fully upgrading all rosters currently 96 heros all platinum 6+ and 10 star need atlest 2.5 years(non vip) may be with money it will consume less time so adding frags in store will be not creating too much issue to game.
:black_small_square:i definitely tell it devs not get above points seriously becouse if they get it they already add mk5 in store.
:black_small_square:game is not run by only vip players there is tons of free to play players who play game for fun and make mind fresh and release strees.
:black_small_square:but there is more stress in upgrading heros to a platinum5+ and now you introduce ruby :rofl::rofl:
:black_small_square:devs you have to maintain balance between vip and free to play player’s.
:black_small_square:game is becoming extremely hard for free to play players you have to thinkabout them.



Yea add them and make them 1k each haha but honestly if they did I would ruby my whole roster in a few months of grinding.

1000% Agree. :sunglasses:

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Totally Agree :slight_smile:

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Well, if you think about it, in full-grind freerolls (you spend energy on mk5 / 6 only) it takes about 1 or 2 months to make a ruby. Putting frag MK in the store would change a lot. Even a single frag per day would change the timing. I think the time is right … many in freerolls are reaching 95. Fingers crossed


1-2 months for ONE ruby? I think the time is way wrong. Currently im doing 1-2 rubies a month with my effort. Now that we have level 100 and ruby stripes by your math we will all be all ruby rosters in many years. Lol the balance needs to be adjusted for the level and ruby raise. Even if we add MKV only to heronium store. It will still take months to years and we will still have to grind and plan for ruby stripes at a 100. I want to embrace our rosters and who we want to max. Not be at a dead crawl unless you spend massive amounts of money. And yes. I do spend and i do grind. There are not many in this game that puts in the time i do. :slight_smile:

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