May 2019 Update Notes (COMING SOON)

Am not a fan of the not communicated Gauntlet Store changes where you get new heroes randomly after restock. What was communicated was that Halloway will replace Ronin. That happened, but you didn’t say that random heroes will replace for instance Kobold.


Hero balancing is in the hands of a new guy?

I woulda thought hero balancing HAS TO be handled by the most senior members of the team! You know, those who know the game’s weaknesses better than a new guy!

And if a new guy is in charge of hero balancing you’d make sure he passes his changes through the rest of the team and SERIOUSLY ANYONE WOULDA SEEN that Yeager’s nerf went too far.

Maybe that also explains these wierd mmmm-hmmmm dunno what that’s about changes:

Tip for new guy - fix Honorbound, not Riposte.

Another tip for new guy: you do know that Eviscerate and Bide Time are pretty useless right? Fix those as well if you can.

Tip for new guy - heal block has to come out early, like really fast. Healblock should also block Rezz if a hero dies while healblocked, this will increase Sapph’s and Calli’s chances of being meta heroes.

Razor doesn’t need a longer taunt, it’s just not necessary. Like, at all.

Ditto for Butter. It’s not the duration of his taunt that will make him a better hero. He already is a good one and pretty balanced as it goes.


Wow you really own hothead and make their decisions and decide how their staff works.
Or no, actually youre disrespectful to them and to the new guy in particular

just deal with it and wait for a fix

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Calm down sing. The Yeager plat I also noticed, but you dont need to eviscerate the new guy. Im just glad the patch drought is over.

Welcome to the HH family new guy.


I’m giving feedback, just like you are. Sometimes my feedback is useful. Sometimes yours is.

But I have never claimed to own HH.

Thanks for your riposte :slight_smile:


Feedback is good, the feedback you give above is good but your tone and attitude is terrible. Maybe if you see what you wrote you can also see the problem.

“Hero balancing is in the hands of a new guy?
I woulda thought hero balancing HAS TO be handled by the most senior members of the team!”

“Fix those as well if you can”

This is no way to greet a new member of them development team, who probably already don’t wanna be part of the community.

Instead, try “Mistakes happen, this would have been better, but it’s seriously not that big of a deal that 1 hero out of 75 will be lackluster for a while, and I’m looking forward to a fix”.

We’re seeing rebalancing again. Awesome.

I disagree that this is the appropriate feedback. My opinion is, why is hero balancing left in the hands of a new guy? Shouldn’t it be in the hands of a senior guy who knows exactly the ins and outs of the game?

Is that not a valid opinion?

Your edited feedback doesn’t even come close to what I want to tell the devs!


Their business decisions. So they wanted to give a new person this role? Done. You have no idea where this new employee comes from, who knows if he or she has played Hero Hunters longer than the company CEO or whatever.
But your claim is = new employee have no idea about the product.

Most of the reworks are good. A mistake happened. Mistakes has happened before remember Panzer launch? “New guy” wasn’t involved in that. Mistakes will keep happening.
Yeager will be fixed. The rest of your suggestions on rebalance are valid and good.

True! But I doubt it. Lord Nikon’s words were - new guy totally didn’t know this would be an issue.

Yes, definitely speculative on my part, for several reasons.

Lord Nikon’s statement, for one.

Secondly, see how many posters in this thread immediately identified Yeager’s issue. Not even including me.


Even yourself - you had this to add:

Definitely wouldn’t have happened if anyone with moderate/serious knowledge of pvp was in charge. Was tooooo glaring.

HAving said that:

I’m glad that the devs have taken all that unanimous feedback on board and will work on Yeager. It’s not a great thing that the new guy spent his time working on a fix for Yeager which now has to be immediately unwound, but that’s the way it is.

And, another positive thing to say is that I’m glad we got a release and some additional balancing along the way.

Additional tip for the new guy: play PVP, lots and lots and lots and lots of PVP. And then some more.

Play with the best guys at 90K and every 10K down.

Then you’ll get a true sense of what’s needed for healthy balance. And you’ll spend time productively working on the things that make the game drastically better (not just adding 2 seconds to heal block and taunt duration which frankly… [maybe I better not be frank]).


I’ll leave my opinion at the door towards @Matsoba before I get another Ban.

Only buff I’d really like to see is a chat buff, if this continues any longer I’ll just uninstall the game, send a cash refund to Google and never showy face here ever again.

O.t. glad to see at least a hero change since months, even though it’s really late for briar, a featured hero we have this month, who’s broken beyond redemption…

Funny thing is i use her the whole time now and in my healing team so that i can get heals and block theirs with callidus though her buff is wellcomed since 8 seconds is short thank God you Guys are buffing her

Healblock has to come out faster. You can convert Calli into a healblocker which pumps out healblocks like Night pumps out quick doses of constant healing and like how Caine/Butter constantly pump out shields. Right now healblocks come out too slow and can’t negate FL’s gold fast enough. Or Keel’s megaheal. And I can’t remember now but is healblock 95%, why not make it 100%?

The longer duration is a small buff and will be slightly useful BUT it’s not game changing at all.

Calli’s self-sustain also needs a buff, it’s too weak now to properly sustain her. Her healblock damage should also be a DOT, for the duration of the heal block. She is best at gold. Her plat taunt kills her because her damage reduction split is capped and doesn’t go deep enough. She could also do with a stat buff to increase her health pool.

All these things, everyone should sorta know. I’m not saying anything new. Hope the new guy can get up to speed.

Yeah man you are right i use her in my healing spam team if she wasnt in it she would die just as fast as keel her bronze doesnt heal enough but i just use it as another healblock since her silver healblock is short already

I haven’t posted in here for a good while and promised I wouldn’t do so again but ta-daa, here I am!

Great to see roles warfare again!

The Briar fix is great. She now fills her role. She shoots and reloads faster than any other sniper. Her healing is balanced.

Galante is now IMMENSE. Beware of Galante.

I haven’t really tried the rest out but more shields will be great. Bummer about the Yeager miss but people need to remember that he:

  • was OP until now
  • got several quick fixes after his launch

I have full trust that they will find a way to make his platinum skill useful again.

I am a bit sad to see no new skins - but recently got both Heartbreaker and Mariachi so I guess it’s good.

Not pleased with how the stores restock - might or might not get used to it but it’s not the end of the world.

Confused as to why there is no offer to unlock Siren but will check back during the day and look forward to trying her out.

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Yes I acknowledged that his platinum is desd for the time being but i am not making a tantrum about it and making a disrespectful post directed in a masterful tone towards a new HOThead employee
Please see the difference between giving feedbacks and being rude

@Kraterios no reason to get a ban if you just follow the community standards
Why so angry all the time? Seeing your posts you should be permanent banned but i vant decide for that

The Briar fix is great. She now fills her role. She shoots and reloads faster than any other sniper.

Artemis. Best and quick sniper in the game. Briar it’s a cheap 3* rip-off of her.

More feedback for Sapphyr, for the new dude since we’re talking about heal block.

Again, nothing I say here is new, everyone knows and hopefully new dude will play so much pvp that he knows all this automatically.

Sapphyr is too squishy especially at pvp start. Everyone targets her because she is quick to go down and her invis takes too long to activate. Even her invis cast time takes too long because her animation takes, like, forever. She’s standing still there for precious seconds pumping her fist and getting shot at for free.

If you want to begin the pvp match spending time dodging and running around (just to survive) before she gains invisibility, you lose precious time and DPS… Not only that, you increase the chances that the opponent opens up their healing and shielding rhythm while scaling up their bronze/silver/plats for tactical use. You’re basically fucked after that.

And not only that, if you don’t shoot you cannot charge up her bronze and silver. Then heal block becomes irrelevant when shields come up anyway.

Giving a 2 second extended duration for Sapphyr’s heal block, in view of the bigger issues mentioned, well… again maybe I should not frankly state my opinion.

Final note to the new dude: it’s really really really important that you know how the mechanics of how each hero works, inside out. Because you didn’t have good familiarity for Yeager, what happened is that you spent time doing a fix that needed to be undone; all your work now has to go into the dustbin. And now you got to spend time undoing what you just did. That’s double the time for zero utility. Things like that happen but it would have been better to spend the time on productive stuff.

Do look into the feedback that I, along with many other players, have provided.

Wait. When did the PvP store go completely random!?

just got the new update. My thoughts:

  • Thank you for buffing Giraffe Girl. Can’t wait to take her for a spin.
  • When will Siren be available? Was impressed when she turned to be more than a palette swap of her sis.
  • And finally, I’ll let this pic speak for itself.

    Good thing I didn’t update in the evening. Thanos, I mean Kurtz would have given me nightmares with that face