Is Ice Box good?

My friend was asking if he is any good. Please tell me what to tell him.

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He is very good. Despite what people say

He is very tanky. He can deal some decent damage and he has one of the best utlities in the game. At max level he can grant an almost constant disorienting effect for the whole enemy team. He triggers the passives from halo/Kiyo/Krieger. And above that he can also penetrate cover. Which is a niche plus if it’s situational
He is mainly used for tanking and disrupting enemies. His bronze can be used once every 10 seconds if i’m not mistaken

No, there are others to prioritize over Icebox. It depends on what you’re trying to accomplish < pvp, bounty, war or extreme >. If you can be more specific with what you have, people here can give you recommendations based on your end goal.


Icebox’s main benefit is his frequent enemy-wide disorient which lasts for 5-6 seconds. His bronze boost is a bit clunky with his basic attack and reload, so you want to time it right. Overall he’s descent if you have his plus skin and have him upgraded to 9*, but don’t expect him to be a gamechanger.

He is tanky too!……….

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