Hero Spotlight: Klayton

got him to plat, but he still seems easy to kill. stun is is ultimate enemy. stun and done.

Why is Klayton doing so little damage he’s 8 star 2 plat does like 1.5 mil dmg my konichi is doing 8 times this and only base plat

Also I’m not taking into account the multipliers so it’s more like 15x worse, even my 4cep is is crap compared to last bounty I can’t believe konichi is doing 3 times the damage as the 2 highlighted characters combined

Thank you devs for giving us the WORST HERO of 2019! :joy:



Damage is your Damage PER SECOND, not per shot. Opponents have stats too! Just like your Klayton has different defense stats, so do the enemies. They’ll reduce your damage depending on their strength. For some Heroes, whose shot ratio is more physical and less elemental, this can cause a heavy reduction in damage.

Hothead Games

Hi Gin, I get this played the game for like 3 years…

My konichi who is very basic 8star base level plat, skills are all 60, hero level is 90 with a x4 muliplier and klayton 8 star level 3 plat, all skills 90 how lvl 90 has a x7 multiplier is only putting out 1.5 mil dmg and Konichi 9mil… this isn’t one bounty the whole event apples for apples Konichi is putting out 10-12 times the damage and has way more basic stats

Klayton is just terrible, nothing to argue about, espically his damage for his bronze and silver

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Stop bullying Klayton.
Klayton is the only one who has the reload animation where he removes the magazine from the weapon, all the others make empty movements.
He’s not much of a hero, but there’s no need to emotionally destroy him.


Throws Klayton in bin Nope, animations won’t save him from his state


Everyone’s nervous at their debut, give him time to adapt.

Shiv would say either wise

between Shank and Klayton, idk which one is worse. Klayton has the x6 bonus during the event and he just seems like a normal hero now. he is rather weak and dies fast, unless you give him shields and revive as partner

Was Klayton intended to be the worst hero of the game?
He does no damage, doesn’t heal, have no useful skills, does not shield, has no health nor has anything that could make him useful.
What’s his role? Cannon fodder?


Not even cannon fodder. He doesn’t have enough health to be that.

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His role is in It’s Always Sunny IP as the trashman

He will get his revenge

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Maybe they wanted to release a needed hero after we complained about Shivs and 4cep being broke!!

is he cracking his “knuckles?”

Oops… I have seen on Skathi that Klay here is Top10 since the update 02-2020. But that was not before… was it? I can hardly do anything with him… at the most on Kuno’s side. Even in the current Bounty with bonus he is shooting with blanks rather than with his cool NERF Mastodon. He looks very cool … the skin even better … and it’s a pity how little damage he produces. Unfortunately mass instead of class and now Top10… So please increase his power!

It’s shameful that I have to spend so much to upgrade a hero that NEVER will be used because he can’t shoot straight

If the bronze skill was changed to be a counter attack skill occurring 5 times not 1 and the damage was increased to say 50k each time. 2nd skill did as much damage as say shank or matador jump attacks. And weapon spread was reduced. Then klayton would be cool. I’m thinking first skill should spawn 5 orbs above his head like the way Caine’s counter measures looks. Stun chance should increase from 20% to 30%.

