Feedback: We’d like to hear from you!

Ok thanks ill try it

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Hello devs, thanks for creating this great game that i’m having a lot of fun with.

I have a couple things to say.

  1. Is it possible to make teammates transparent when facing their backs? I have had to aim through teammates and hope for the best since i cant see my target.

  2. During bounty events is there anything in place to aviod overkilling a boss? Sometimes i hold back from hitting bosses because they are low on health and i dont want to waste lives by overkilling or engaging a boss that is in the process of being killed.

  3. Lol, as i was typing this i found the in game support button. Seems a bit hidden to me.

  4. Devs, thanks again for the game. Having fun and looking foward to future events and game changes. Godspeed✌

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Thanks for having us here, I would like to say that it seems like some shots that hit don’t actually register and don’t do damage I’ve been seeing this more and more now. Also is there a place to submit new hero ideas? Or is here the place?


Hi developers, maybe you can add another hero on daily reward, not just Hardscope and Cast, thank you :blush:


Hey request character creation bro if elemental heroes please

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Agree with you about shooting through heroes. It’s especially bad when Galante is in front of you, lol.

I also agree for the Daily Login Calendar. Yes, switch up the heroes each month besides Cast/Hardscope.

I would also like to request that on the last day (which you can only receive if you’ve logged in every single consecutive day of the month) give us a Hero Crate…

I think one free, and well-deserved Hero Crate per month is a reasonable prize to give to those players that have played the game for 30 consecutive days.


Thanks for the feedback guys, I’ll be sure this gets written down!


Any plans for expanding the Gauntlet? More Sectors maybe? Different chest that drops Gauntlet Shards AND other stuff?

As level cap increases and players continue to upgrade heroes, Gauntlet seems more of a chore lately.

Since halloway and hivemind Count as uaf can they get a uaf logo like the other uaf heroes?

Bruh request character creation of elemental heroes pleasPlus fix this Wi-Fi servers stabilized .

They’re UAF? Why were they enemies in Districts 7 and 8?

Plz dont remove heroes from the pvp shop, if someone is trying to get that hero to 10* in order to get universal frags they are going to feel really bad about it.

They are only there in the hard version of the campaign not the normal the normal campaign is most probably canon

@Tranquilmoon606 Wait but… I fought Hivemind (7-5 normal) and Halloway (8-6 normal). I would assume it’d be the same in hard mode. Is it different for other devices…?

They probably dont have dialogue then and are there to make it harder if this isnt the case then i dont know

I have a problem with these heroes first of all hardscope he spams his drone even if the drone is healing and when you use him its hard to see the drone or know if its even still there please make a drone emblem that points where it is if you have it and make it that the ai only uses his ability when his drone is destroyed
Another thing is that its health and healing are bad if you use it in pvp people destroy it instantly i really think that either its health or its heal should get a buff ( it might be more fair to buff its health)

Next richter he doesnt feel like a good hero his basic weapon feels weak even though itsa anti tank weapon and his sonic sunder too it is low damage and only takes people’s armor for 7 seconds i think that this should be longer and its damage should be a little bit stronger

Next cast his shotgun is really slow for a tank and his abilities are overshadowed by heimlock and mandrake ( like razorback overshadows richter) his abilities are allright but people dont use him because those heroes and the slow firing Shotgun make it a little bit more on faster like butter’s Shotgun or make it stronger

Lastly cross his poison rain is just plank bad not only can people easily escape it even if it hit it Bardot does any damage and it doesnt have a sub effect like disoriënt or stun or slower walk speed or anything it needs a buf and/or sub effect and maybe shoot faster

And his incapacitate is really short make it longer maybe more than cast since he is a midline attacker with less health maybe make it that he Throws a grenade with one off these two abilities

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I created a topic about Hardscope a while back, I agree on his drone.

Let it work the same as hivemind his drone once it’s up you can’t use the skill again, the AI is ruining Hardscope this way.

Also his drone has to little health, everyone just 1 shots the drone making it a useless skill

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I just fought against a platinum halo and her plat skill is too op it makes any offensive skill dangerous please devs look into this the match ended afters 5 to 10 seconds maybe a little bit more and or power was not that much different
Oh and i think its so unfair because people use him with plat baron and his plat counter as a ability so he can spam halo plat after the enemy’s cover is destroyed

The latest gauntlet event requires 2,200 points for the top reward, however all 6 characters total up to 510 points if you keep them all alive. So even if you’re able to go through twice each day (total of four times through) you can only achieve a max of 2,040 points. Am I missing something here? I spent money to unlock the only character I didn’t have for the event and now I find out theres no possible way to reach the top tier.