What Team Composition do I use?

I’m stuck on Mission 13/6 Normal. Any suggestions? No matter what I do, Odachi almost immediately kills one of my heroes when I start the match.

Not sure if it will get the job done, but try this:
Ronin - His Riposte is a great shield that returns damage. Bide Time comes into play whenever a hero uses a skill, and Caines skills charge pretty fast.
Kobold - Healing and shielding. Good to team with Phalanyx. Plat skill of Resistant Materials, is active at the begining of the match, and anytime this hero has a shield. All allies gain Armor and Health while the shield is active.
Phalanyx - Has mag shield to start the match. Also, Power play at the begining of the match is huge. Stays in effect until a hero dies
Caine - In my opinion, he is the best support hero in the game. Easy to stack his skills. Great single hero shielder, and does good damage.
Maven (or Cinder) - Simply put, with what I see to work with, may be your best options for damage. With your 2 biggest foes being Odachi (Bio) and Kuniochi (Mech) your best bet may is with a Bio that does damage.

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Using mandrake is always helpful as the AI ignores invisible enemies

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i used castallion, mandrake, flatline, keel, and ronin. im stuck on 13-9

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I kinda went off of all your input. Here was the winning team! Thanks all!

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Now I’m stuck on 13/9 too! Man that’s a tough one… I need to just lvl up my guys some more.

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Nice work. 13-9 is a tough one. There has been a few threads about it.

I think Hivemind is a common hero used there, because his drones will take rocket fire. I would use Plat Halo with Hivemind if you have her. Hiveminds leach drone will set off her plat lightning.

Here is a link to one of the threads.

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U still dont have siren? She is the key role here. Maybe ill post it later

I have her, just not high enough to be useful.image

Use the team
Ronin, flatline, mandrake, butter and keel

Flatline and mandrake are all good heros to use, and keel is a good healer. ill have to see and try. everyone is 7* and 8* except for keel.

mission 13-9 normal

I made this special for you

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