Vendas e trocas!

Poderia ter uma opção de vender os itens ou trocar com outras pessoas !
Exemplo eu tenho uma espada platina e quero vender .
A pessoa me paga em dinheiro ou ouro e eu vendo pra ela ! Ter uma opção de negociação! Acho que seria bem interessante para todos os jogadores ! Inclusive para jogadores novos serem ajudados por outros mais experientes! Seria bem motivacional para os expedientes e os iniciantes !

English translation please


You could have an option to sell the items or trade with other people!
Example I have a platinum sword and want to sell.
You pay me in cash or gold and I sell it to you! Have a trading option! I think it would be very interesting for all players! Even for new players to be helped by more experienced players! It would be very motivational for the experienced and the beginners!

I’m pretty sure the last sentence is an expression that doesn’t translate well between languages

There have already been several topics talking about a trade system. I don’t think it’ll happen.

I’ve seen like item requests in other games. And I mean like you ask your alliance for an item and if the players have it they will give you one. That’s if your team works as a team.

Other than that, feel like it would be ignored

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