The SANE Panzer fix

I’m not here to argue with you back and forth on what is available in the game and how mechanics work. I’ve said my peace (my input) and I’m done with it. You will have no further replies from me on the subject.

Good luck and happy hunting.

  • Cap

We have invested. To nerf due to forum will put a dent on your credibilty as a provider and a high probability to your sales in the short term. :rage:

What is going on with Panzer? I don’t follow since developers said they were building support units…

Now this idea of Credibility - bunch of smoke." Im calling BS." Game is way to young to say it has fully developed into a rpg elements game… There still working on number of things. Most important they want an arena fighting. Most developers said they were laying the ground work with duels.

What is most upsetting is that I have devoted so much time and energy into a certain number of hero’s.

IMO The need debuffs in the game in the form of wizards or support. I would love to see an arena were you can run around the screen killing each other in a full circle and use cover fire… Or even bring units upto the front from the rear line or front line and push them back… Make players work for those wins…

Hi forums, I have made an account on the forums after seeing this post. As a relatively new player, Panzer was one of the first new heroes whose style I liked, and subsequently invested. While it would be an exaggeration to say I know everything about Panzer, I feel that I have gotten used to her playstyle after a few hundred wins with Panzer, about her strengths, drawbacks, and what makes her unbalanced. Having seen some of the nerf suggestions on the forum, I am rather disturbed at some of the propsed changes, which would either gut Panzer out of relevance or alter her playstyle so much she loses her identity.

Panzer feels oppresive in certain scenarios but underwhelming in others, but most importantly, she is unrefined. I hope that my changes can make her a smoother hero that is more consistent, reliable, and of course balanced.

Here’s my take on a reasonable adjustment:

Stats and auto-attacks: May remained largrly unchanged. Her shotguns hurt a lot, and having a 20-clip shot is fulfills her ‘identity’ as an early game punisher.

However, having her shotgun reload one by one leaves little room for counterplay by opponents, as staggers or CC doesnt not thwart her reload progress. It certainly feels good using Panzer, eating a trio of CCs then continue to lead that Fortress with a dozen slugs, but it doesn’t feel as good on the receiving end.

Suggested approach : make her shotgun reloads 5-10 shells at a time, but slightly raise her reload speed. This is a minor change that reward both skillful play and counterplay, which should be encouraged.

Bronze :

The current offender, which is actually very gimmicky and one of those skills that either flops or decides a match in the first 5 seconds. It is polarising to the max and this is very unhealthy for the metagame.

Your opponent shot that hero you are targeting? Enemy does not bring an energy hero to counter you (but handicap himself to literally any other team)? Your skill is now one third as useful.

If the above does not happen? You win, congratulations, unless they have a Panzer.

I’m recommending that the skill be made more ‘equalised’ by changing the damage to be entirely neutral, no mech damage or whatsoever. Panzer’s bronze is actually reasonable when it hits a mech hero, let that be the case.

I also advocate tuning the second portion of the damage to trigger not ‘when the enemy is at full health’ but rather ‘the first use each wave’. This would grant Panzer a ton more consistency, instead of relying on her teammates AI to not share a target.

Furthermore, a microadjustment on the damage could help. The second portion of the damage could use a 10% reduction, in exchange for a slight uptick on het primary damage from the skill. This would result in a net reduction in the first cast’s effectiveness to minimise cheesy one-shot kills, in exchange for more long term power.

I’ve seen quite a few people recommend a change to her Silver, Gold and Platinum. However, I do feel that these skills are in a good spot and do not need tuning.

The silver do not need any damage buff, it would become another Bladestorm. It fits niches in its current state and should stay.

The gold triggers rarely but is powerful if it goes off. Its perfectly balanced in my opinion. It is one of those fallback skills that your opponent can play against, while granting you a backup. Brawler is a recovery skill rather than a win-more skill, which is Panzer’s identity. On those rare ocassions where it triggers, it really hurts. Panzer is already sufficiently powerful with the rest of her kit, having her gold as a less powerful (but still useful) skill is acceptable.

Platinum is good and does not need explanation.

Its one of the first heroes I like and got invested in, and I’ll be very disappointed if the tuning ends up breaking her.

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I mostly agree with your suggestions, but I would adjust it a bit.

I like the idea to change her bronze to “first hit”. But the extra damage should be reduced without, without increasing the normal damage. Or reduce the extra damage even more, lets say 10% and increase the normal damage by 10%, to make her better use in later game.
Furthermore her Platuínum needs to be adjustet. You have her at 5* Gold, so you didn´t really experience the power of her platinum. They have to either reduce the buff, or shorten the time. It shreds through energy and even mech heroes in no time.

My intentions on the bronze damage change was actually as you said, 10% down on second portion in exchange of 10% up on the first. I just expressed it rather awkwardly.

I do not have the platinum as you said, so now that I think about it I shouldn’t be making any judgements on it. I would not mind a slight to moderate nerf on it as you suggested, as her basic attacks are already very powerful without it.

I got what you meant on the bronze skill. But if you make it first use for the bonus, yu should reduce the damage a bit, because it would be activated everytime, making it even more dangerous. Her damage is already pretty high. That is why I suggested toeduce the over all damage by lowering her extra damage even more then you said and still buff the normal damage. That would make her less thread in early game, but thats her purpose…so kind of tricky.

I still think that if they made Breach & Clear dodgeable, if only so for a second, they could proceed and call it a day.
Having her load 10 rounds instantly I do not support.

So I believe its safe to say a lot of people agree that Panzer is currently way to powerful, and that the ability of obtaining her with the right gold (in most cases), is salt on the wound.

Panzer is a great hero with unique potential to push for a different style of playing, but with great power comes great responsibility, and quite frankly, nobody cares and shoots for the moon because they know they can.

In the wrong hands, Panzer shows us that she is capable of matching, if not exceeding a Platinum Baron at cover breaking.

In comparison to Dogface at gold or higher, she can match the damage, while far exceeding the damage per second with a fast fire rate.

The kicker to all of that, is if the enemy player thinks the match is “too slow”, they simply use her staggering abilities to focus more of that scary damage, sweeping teams and never blinking.

This wouldn’t be such a concern (to myself and others who agree), but like any game with microtransactions, there are those with money to burn, and those without. Spending players don’t have to “invest” much into getting Panzer in their roster, which is combined with everyones easy capability of pushing new heroes to Silver, as I personally manage to do so almost instantly with the resources I collect daily.

This ease of access, combined with almost limitless power, gives players a unique change to something very strange in pvp, that I just experienced.

I would tell you about the first method to waste 4 team spots on the weakest heroes you have, and slap your Panzer in the 5th to scew the pvp pairing further and walk through wins, but this one is more desturbing.

You can easily have some weak heroes on your team, and slap in a weaker Panzer, and still dominate. If you don’t think that is true, here are the results of the pvp match that brought me here. Im hopes that future events and normal pvp grinding don’t discourage or anger the rest of the community, here and growing.

(PS: New users are limited so I can only add one photo, I chose the results screen showing both teams, and will figure out how to add the stats of the match as the second screenshot)

Thank you for reading.


As mentioned, here are the stats of that same match.

Here, already have this post for suggestions

No hero, I repeat, no hero should be able to one-shot kill anything at the start of a match. And if your answer is to use Panzer too, then what do you do after Panzer is dead? At this point, I avoid using energy heroes until I have no choice. And quite frankly, most of the energy heroes are the weakest in this game. Gammond and Hive are the easiest tanks to knock out and don’t get me started on Oro. The energy heros are support at best and having one mech that can eliminate them all easily is completely unbalanced.

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Someone said using stagger rounds like (Sentry gold) against Panzer may disrupt the instant kill at the beginning of the match that’s bullshit how random would that be to time that just right
Panzer Was designed to frustrate those who regularly play PVP
I’m VIP 10 So pay to play is no problem for me
Panzer wasn’t bothering me until these last two PVP tournaments in which pvp matches 25,000 and above running into Panzer Instant loss
I only have 6 low silver heroes The rest are high-level gold and platinum been grinding since the game came out and now pvp tournaments suck because you can’t win with panzers Insta kill

The last PVP tournament featured broken matchmaking. Now the matchmaking is more even and matches seem to be based more on power… but the CHEESY BUILDS ARE BACK. And the DOWNSCALED BUILDS (High level/starred Panzer plus 4 randoms, preferably UAF, as long as below 20k) are out in full force.

Sane or not sane fix to Panzer, something must be done about matchmaking first.

There are too much abuse of the system where one will use a high power hero coupled with lower ones.

My suggestion of the pvp mechanics as below
1, if a 9* is being used, the minimum star in team is 7*
2, if a plat is used than the minimum is a gold2 for the remaining team

By having the above requisite, it will at the very least ensure some form of fair play without spoofing the gameplay.

I’ve tried Sentry, doesn’t work. Sentry will just get erased since he’s in an elemental disadvantage. Sentry would empty his clip and not be able to kill panzer, he is done.

Mandrake has the best possibility to disrupt panzer on her first salvo. But the timing has to be right. That said, Panzers quick fire will tear out one low to mid energy before she is taken out.

Follow up to my above suggestion. This kind of OP mismatch would not have happened. As he would be limited to run 3 other higher heroes than the 3 basic gold energies that he is running. And in that case he would be paired against a right match power.

Which will mean -
10* mandrake plat
8* panzer plat2

The other 3 heroes would need to be at least 8* and gold 3. Which will mean his overall power will be pushed higher and he would not be able to abuse at a lower lower bracket