Ranking List of the Best Heroes per Skill Category

I have spent the last few days calculating who are the heroes who cause the highest damage or who give the highest cure among all.
This time I calculated everything with all eventualities on, even the indefinite-time skills and percentages. They are very variable data, but I wanted to calculate them anyway just to have the most complete list.
It was a simple calculation, basic damage / health multiplied by Time / Charge / Bullet Ammount / % and in the end I summed the results together for the total.

*Note: If you don’t find a hero, that mean it doesn’t have any requirement for this list.

Rank: Damage
All those heroes that can cause damage over time, by special weapons or charges.

Top 1-58
  1. Yeager 2.869.244 [Silver]
  2. Oracle 1.511.893 [Silver, Platinum]
  3. Scum 1.435.192 [Bronze + Silver]
  4. Striker 1.283.157 [Gold]
  5. Anvil 1.097.856 [Bronze, Silver]
  6. Purifier 1.081.140 [Bronze + Silver + Gold + Platinum]
  7. Astrix 1.022.689 [Bronze + Gold]
  8. Odachi 1.022.752 [Bronze, Silver]
  9. Snap 972.730 [Bronze, Silver, Gold]
  10. Fisher 964.620 [Silver]
  11. Galante 928.040 [Bronze]
  12. Ghoul 903.202 [Bronze + Gold]
  13. Maven 873.856 [Bronze, Gold]
  14. Cross 852.216 [Bronze + Silver + Gold]
  15. Stratus 847.094 [Bronze, Silver]
  16. Artemis 832.314[Bronze, Gold (side effect)]
  17. Prophet 745.742 [Bronze + Silver]
  18. Venom 698.209 [Bronze + Silver + Gold]
  19. Hardscope 696.913 [Bronze, Gold + Platinum]
  20. Marlowe 687.120 [Bronze (side effect) + Silver]
  21. Surge 672.858 [Bronze, Silver + Gold]
  22. Marianas 625.311 invisible enemy [Silver + Gold + Plat] 204.633 normal enemy [Bronze + Gold + Plat]
  23. Oro 610.311 [Bronze]
  24. Halloway 598.116 [Silver + Bronze clones]
  25. Krieger 594.909 [Silver, Gold]
  26. Mk. 2 594.636 [Silver + Gold + Platinum]
  27. Dreadnought 578.480 [Bronze]
  28. Warden 556.725 [Bronze + Silver]
  29. Salvatore 538.415 [Bronze(legendary skin), Silver]
  30. Colonell Wesson 537.940 [Silver + Gold]
  31. Ryker 454.098 [Bronze + Gold]
  32. Elite Rifleman 445.922 [Bronze + Silver]
  33. Kunoichi 440.040 [Bronze]
  34. Harbinger 429.667 [Bronze, Silver]
  35. Heckler 428.360 [Silver]
  36. Jackal 410.837 [Bronze + Silver]
  37. Obrez 377.055 [Silver]
  38. Savage 358.284 [Bronze]
  39. Cinder 353.154 [Bronze]
  40. Revenant 350.481 [Silver + Platinum]
  41. Ronin 342.859 [Bronze + Gold]
  42. Kurtz 339.664 [Platinum]
  43. Razorback 331.594,8 [Bronze]
  44. Phantasma 305.880 [Silver]
  45. Fortress 297.550 [Silver]
  46. Panzer 291.907 [Bronze + side effect]
  47. 4-Cep 267.145 [Bronze, Silver]
  48. Briar 226.818 [Bronze + Gold]
  49. Lancer 251.280 [Silver]
  50. Siren 210.281 if bis applied / 162.491 if bis not applied [Bronze + Platinum]
  51. Slurp 184.800 [Bronze]
  52. Steele 177.912 [Silver]
  53. Flatline 161.322 [Silver]
  54. Baron 147.744 [Bronze]
  55. Clyde 144.375 if stunned enemy [Silver + side effect]
  56. Beck 116.977 [Silver]
  57. Alcatraz 107.136 [Silver (side effect)]
  58. Mandrake 98.423 [Bronze + side effects]
  59. Phoenix 80.376 [Gold (side effect)]

Rank: Damage over Indeterminate Time
These calculations have been made assuming that a single round lasts 60sec.

Top 1-5
  1. Irezumi 7.777.860 [Bronze, Gold]
  2. Oro 2.580.600 [Silver + Gold]
  3. Kiyoshi 2.403.120 [Platinum]
  4. Halo 1.706.940 [Platinum]
  5. Shivs 1.489.781 [Bronze + Silver]

Rank: Damage from generated Troops
All damage caused by the generated troops calculated on a 60s round.

Top 1-6
  1. Xianju 6.827.040 [Bronze]
  2. Halloway 6.140.880 [Bronze]
  3. Striker 4.115.880 [Bronze]
  4. Castellan 3.053.553,33 [Bronze]
  5. Commander 2.934.240 [Silver]
  6. Hivemind 2.723.00 [Bronze, Silver]

Special Rank: Doubts
The results are very variable, but I included them anyway.
Some heroes have abilities activated by the accumulation of enemies damage, it is setted to a base damage of 1,000,000. Also applied to health and shields.
Some can deal damage over indeterminate time, increase damage over time or depends on the enemies health

Top 1-11
  1. Fisher a lot depends on the targets and hero health [Bronze]
  2. Ursus 9.000.000+ depends on absorbed damage [Bronze + Gold]
  3. Bolt 1.146.670+ damage can increase over time [Bronze, Silver, Gold]
  4. Serial 750.000+ depends on absorbed damage [Bronze]
  5. Bucket 674.054,55+ depends on absorbed damage [Bronze]
  6. Phoenix 451.157+ can increase over time [Bronze, Silver]
  7. Alvarez 353.100+ depends on the stun duration [Gold]
  8. Mauler 320.703+ depends on targets health [Bronze, Gold + Platinum]
  9. Pris 171.018+ depends on targets health [Bronze]
  10. Carabina 80.130+ can increase over time [Silver]
  11. Cyphon 23.730+ can be more [Bronze]

Rank: Heal
All Heroes that can provide health over time or by charges, with single or multiple target.

Top 1-30
  1. Duran 4.748.463,75 [Silver (-50% health) + Gold] 3.137.853 [Bronze]
  2. Kurtz 2.196.121 [Silver + Gold]
  3. Bucket 1.827.912 [Silver]
  4. Luciana 1.523.678 [Bronze]
  5. Moss 1.217.856 [Silver]
  6. Barricade 914.103 [Bronze, Gold]
  7. Keel 814.320 [Bronze]
  8. Brogan 769.400 [Silver (side effect)]
  9. Gammond 599.640 [Bronze (side effect)] 289.640 [Bronze]
  10. Françoise 593.936 [Bronze]
  11. Elixir 580.708 [Bronze]
  12. Slurp 561.103 [Silver, Platinum]
  13. Oracle 535.176 [Bronze]
  14. Hivemind 528.050 [Platinum]
  15. Operator 516.416 [Bronze]
  16. Caine 480.780 [Bronze, Silver + Gold]
  17. Kobold 397.795,2 [Bronze + Silver]
  18. Commander 369.396 [Platinum]
  19. Matador 366.120 [Silver]
  20. Savage 340.020 [Silver]
  21. Nightingale 313.870 [Bronze (leggendary skin)]
  22. Flatline 310.530 [Gold]
  23. Heimlock 295.887,5 -50% health / 236.710 [Bronze]
  24. Silhouette 260.060 if the allies loose health [Silver]
  25. Briar 226.818 [Bronze + Gold]
  26. Harbinger 213.967,6 [Gold]
  27. Kiyoshi 172.520 [Gold]
  28. Halo 82.820 [Gold]
  29. Mandrake 61.626 [Gold]
  30. Alvarez 39.330 [Platinum]

Rank: Heal over Indeterminate Time
These calculations have been made assuming that a single round lasts 60sec.

Top 1-5
  1. Oracle 16.477.500 [Gold]
  2. Venom 1.341.840 [Platinum]
  3. Nightingale 864.000 [Platinum]
  4. Surge 296.040 [Platinum]
  5. Cross 188.280 [Platinum]

Rank: Heal from Generated Troops
All heals provided from generated troops over indeterminate time.

Top 1-3
  1. Torque 1.307.160 [Bronze]
  2. Hardscope 980.340 [Silver]
  3. Hivemind 422.100 [Silver]

Special Rank: Doubts
The results are very variable, but are included anyway

Top 1-4
  1. Keel 588.100+ can increase [Gold]
  2. Cyphon 572.828+ depends oh hero health [Gold + Platinum]
  3. Kobold 547.620+ depends on shield heath [Platinum]
  4. Fiber 412.190+ depends on enemies ammo capacity [Bronze]

Rank: Self Heal
All those heroes that have skills that provide heals for them self.

Top 1-31
  1. Shanks 7.175.795 [Silver + Gold + Platinum]
  2. Warden 4.865.760 [Platinum]
  3. Baron 2.023.688 [Gold]
  4. Françoise 1.832.001 [Silver + Gold]
  5. Yanlong 1.671.380 [Silver]
  6. Hivemind 1.570.330 [Gold + Platinum]
  7. Pharia 1.000.926 [Bronze]
  8. Klayton 936.690 [Platinum]
  9. Phoenix 750.000 [Gold]
  10. Cinder 718.310 [Platinum]
  11. Astrix 699.445 [Platinum]
  12. Marlowe 661.965 [Bronze (side effect) + Platinum]
  13. Savage 525.210 [Silver]
  14. Sentry 500.568 [Silver]
  15. Colonell Wesson 439.124 [Platinum]
  16. Brogan 410.352 [Gold]
  17. Flatline 408.836 [Platinum]
  18. Heimlock 346.292 [Platinum]
  19. Fortress 297.550 [Silver]
  20. Kunoichi 258.800 [Platinum]
  21. Obrez 253.468 [Platinum]
  22. Matador 222.456 [Bronze]
  23. Silhouette 200.475 [Gold]
  24. Heckler 179.904 [Platinum]
  25. Min 179.700 [Gold]
  26. Ifrit 167.840 [Gold]
  27. Striker 136.290 [Platinum]
  28. Ronin 131.220 [Gold]
  29. Stratus 117.100 [Gold]
  30. Odachi 52.880 [Gold]
  31. Bucket 9.240 [Gold]

Rank: Self Heal over Indeterminate Time
These calculations have been made assuming that a single round lasts 60sec.

Top 1-5
  1. Elixir 1.168.020 [Gold]
  2. Operator 1.038.600 [Gold]
  3. Scum 697.918 [Gold + Platinum]
  4. Pris 286.500 [Platinum]
  5. Yanlong 232.180 [Platinum]

Special Rank: Doubts
Some results are too variables, but are included anyways.

Top 1-3
  1. 4-Cep 600.000+ depends on allies health [Gold]
  2. Revenant 300.000+ depends on enemy and hero health [Bronze]
  3. Cyphon 237.300 can increase [Bronze]


These results are hypothetical scenarios, not directly related to the list. Just for fun
The results are calculated based on having the full team including heroes, clones, turrets and drones that is 22 members.
The enemy team can have the maximum, while the allied team varies between 18 and 19 members. (depends on the hero skills)
Exception for Wesson that only requires UAF and UAFA allies

Total Heal

Oracle 72.501.000 [Gold]
Kurtz 39.530.178 [Silver + Gold]
Gammond 3.797.720 [Bronze side effect]
Savage 1.496.088 [Silver]

Self Heal

Kurtz 39.530.178 [Silver + Gold]
Warden 21.409.344 [Platinum]
Prophet 14.047.440 [Platinum]
Baron 9.669.518 [Gold]
Gammond 3.797.720 [Bronze side effect]
Astrix 3.077.558 [Platinum]
Savage 2.310.924 [Silver]
Flatline 1.839.726 [Platinum]
Heimlock 1.644.887 [Platinum]
Colonell Wesson 1.427.153 [Platinum]
Kunoichi 1.138.720 [Platinum]
Ifrit 797.240 [Gold]
Stratus 515.240 [Gold]


All those heroes not suitable for the list

Keir - Verrill - Chesterfield - Icebox - Richter - Sapphyr - Commando - Cast - Phalanx - Vanguard - Butter - Kaishi - Hideo - Jarek - Dogface - Gunsmoke - Sand Ruby

This is the ranking of all the heroes in the roster at the moment.
All calculations have been made with Muninn and Skathi’s heroes, surely there will be some errors and/or forgetfulnesses.
Done everything with the calculator to be safer.
Consult this list if you need it, but don’t rely on it 100%.
It will be updated and modified every month.

Last warning:


Damn, that’s a lot lol. Nice work

Doesn’t kurtz need his bronze for silver to kill

He needs to to kill an enemy, you can always murder an ally to get 200K healing and then trigger his plat.

am i blind or is serial not on your list? appreciate the dedication/time u spent on all of this, but IMO, that’s a pretty flawed list

Serial doesnt have skills that do damage overtime/charge.
The bronze accumulate and release damage, the silver increase weapon damage, gold… i forgot and plat does single damage


Mike Jones where have you been? And what extreme mission are you on now? We would really love to have you in our alliance.

Yeah, share your private number on a public forum.

Please, don’t start an off topic conversation on my post. There’s private messages for a reason.


i’m still confused about how sapp, serial, beck aren’t on ur list of top DPS.

Apologies Lappo. But whenever you finally see a player like Mike Jones then you must jump at the chance. He may be the best player in the game. I’m sure he’s a PVP master as well.
He’s like a white unicorn. You always hear about them but never see them. Mike - I’ll call you tomorrow so we can discuss. Thank you for sharing your number!

Nice work & efforts!

There is Beck, her silver does a little damage over time.
Serial and Sapphyr not.
Its not a list of the strongest weapon damage.

Don’t know why this comment thread is so distracted and off-topic. I really like this list, and it’s cool to see different heroes being listed in this way. Great work!

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People like to do the same on another post but,then the situation changed suddenly… It reminds me about a famous tactic which is currently very normal in a famous game mode of hh

Ty for excellent information. Looks like its time consuming to find that numbers.

Pls next time make list of best ruby heros with damage /healing /support

This is that list.
[Damage] if you intend damage per clip, i can’t do that, I need full maxed heroes info for doing an exact calculation.
[Healing] its already there, the total amount of health a medic can give with determinate time/charges skills.
[Supports] idk what you intend, almost all heroes are in those ranks, some do damage, some heal and some do both. Explain me support.

All these numbers are calculated on Skathi’s heroes, that the majority of them are Rubies.
I didn’t count single action skills, those w indeterminate time (effects that last till the end of the round/game), base/elemental weapon damage incrementation (need to know the base/elemental damage of the single bullet first and the ruby bonus), base/elemental armor incrementation (need to know the base armor of a hero and the ruby bonus).

Its just a ranks of totals.
If you can do it, go ahead, don’t wait me cus i’ll get some quite long time before i can max myself.

Woah … this looks like it took some serious time and effort. Nice work. Some surprising results if all are 100 percent accurate. I wouldn’t mind more posts like these…:call_me_hand:t2:

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didn’t expect Marlowe and Scum to be a good dps, so this is how analytics works wow

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Marlowe is a good dps. I don’t know why you weren’t expecting that.

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Awesome job, sir. Thank so much for sharing your work.

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