May 2020 Update Notes - The Marianas Update

Ok thank you! We love the devs yall the best!

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Itā€™s definitely skirting the line between rare and legendary.


Iā€™m liking the changes overall, but I agree with some of the comments above. Why such confusing name conventions? Gilded Hero Crate tokens, Gilded Tokensā€¦ on top of the dozen or so other tokens in the game. They could have easily been called something else to help differentiate them for newer players, or players who donā€™t frequent the forums.

I am glad Kurtz is finally getting some adjusting. I wish the Ruthless Leader nerf would apply to both his hp and dmg reduction buff, but itā€™s a sep in the right direction. Iā€™m a little sad to see Heimlock getting nerfed yet again.

I see other support like Flatline, Keel, Phalanx, and Mandrake still used twice as much as Heimlock, but they have gone mostly untouched for the last few months (Drake has been getting hit pretty hard recently though). I fear after this nerf Heimlock will become another useless hero who was over nerfed.

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Will klg irregulars be the only faction?

Also there seems to be an issue with the elemental pvp again. Mech skills are slow again.

Yup. Super slow. I didnā€™t notice it until just the past few rounds and I was losing my mind why Shivs wasnā€™t doing anything. I also strangely noticed Phalanx wasnā€™t taking healing one match.

ā€¦ so I need to spend 19 gilded tokens to get the fortress skin. Is it too late to withdraw my enthusiasm for this event? (-_-)


19? checks own token balance

Best I got is 1 token. Might have a chance here


This gilded tokens festivalā€¦

So basically u need to spend your GT to get another GT (and various rewardsā€¦ but IMO there are lots of rewards that less exclusive than GT)


Please give us more chance to earn glided tokens ( atleast during this event ) so that we can spend it and progress in the event


Read the notes more carefully


@Yosai Oops I didnā€™t see that. Thanks

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if you feel unlucky to not find Marianas in the crates, think about me that my RNG is so low that I was able to find money in the MW crate.

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I hope we can earn a lot :slight_smile: though I do hope some good sales will go on. Donā€™t mind buying if itā€™s cheap and gold and other goodies included.

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I wish they made rare skins for all gilded coin heroā€™s for the event. Maybe throw a legendary too. I wish they also maybe dropped 2 or more gilded coin heroā€™s to make it more enticing. Like omg thereā€™s new heroā€™s in the crate lol

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I wish we could too!
But, a hero start to finish takes like 2-3 months work to get done. Legendary skins are pretty much whole new heroes, so tack on another couple months of work.
Putting out 1 or 2 new heroes a month is a ton of work and believe me sometimes we barely are able to get those in before the cutoff, and even then we are still working on them right up until release.
We simply donā€™t have the time and resources for that.


Or you were so lucky you got cash from the MW crate. The chances of that are very low!

Alliance frag blitz event starting tomorrow appears broken. Description says you get points for KLG Irregular and Kurtz Lawgiver frags, but only the KLG Irregulars are listed for giving points in the rules section.

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No live streaming happen on twitch app

The stream is tomorrow.