January 2021 Update Notes - The Icebox Update

noooo muninn you had my hopes up :frowning:

Oh thank goodness. Knowing where to look helps tremendously.
Plus skins? Sounds a good idea to spend heronium on
Carabina damage buff? With the the next faction as UAF? Count me in!


Jackal goes by “Loose Cannon” on Forged Fantasy. Now Icebox has taken on the name here. This can’t be a coincidence. :face_with_monocle:

It totally is a coincidence.

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a disappointing anniversary update, i was hoping to see war bounty hero change, something new in the heronium shop. those of us who already have all the heroes in 10 stars need to have ruby ​​pieces in the heronium store


Awesome update. Nice rewards. If possible please work on some new game modes.

  • Doom The Great

Any change to the heroes jn the pvp and gauntlet stores? Dont see it anywhere

They said they will stop announcing it cause they had a typo one time someone got mad so they solved the problem by not announcing it anymore

Like the idea of making plus skins… Already rea hed the desired mission in extreme so, fine with oracle’s silver… And it’s not bad thing… Once her silver starts we can keep using ut cuz, it’s get cooldown by hitting enemies.Means it’s something like continuous cycle which never stops once it starts.

Edit:Kunoichi’s skin look cool but, her 6% dmg will be a great thing.

So its a surprise. A lot has changed in 6 months i see.

Y’all hyped this update
I see nothing new here👨‍🦯


Woow… 5000 heroniums to upgrade rare skin from lvl 3 to lvl 4…

Uuumm… Will there be an option to use nanodust instead of skins tokens to upgrade the skins?


Why no date about the update ? If the scavenger hunt happens on 28. We will get the update in the same day ?

They push the release button as soon as the notes are posted on the forums but this is the reason for no dates as it’s up to the stores to release the game’s update then.



One year ago in Feb 2020 it was the TWO YEAR anniversary and there is even a portrait labeled that. “2 Year”. Not 4, unless your counting beta; in which case you where wrong back then. So which lie you standing by?

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Shots fired🔥. Lol Dayum!!! He’s right though

will we have mk VI in the store ???

World release was in February 2017. Beta continued +1 year under Gunrise title.

Hay buddy will there be a google doc on the scavenger hunt? If so were can I find it?

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