HH Friends Cheers!

To the HH community cheers, some in the community know me more then others but after 3.5 years it is finally time to retire from HH (on Friday). It has been fun and I have met some great fiends along the way. Hot Head games did a great job making this game interesting and addicting to play at times. Huge shout out to the Own family, what a phenomenal group of people. When starting this game I never would have guessed I would VC with alliance members just talking about our careers, families, and hobbies. Back when the game was more competitive and not just centered around the chronic spenders it was a good challenge PvPing with the greats like Juice, Uziie, Roky and Jon Jon. Discord and the addition of quick win tickets to the heronium store kept me around longer than expected and hopefully my 3.5 billion solo PvP record can stand the test of time. I wish everybody that still plays the best, I will constantly remind you in discord that your time is more valuable than HH : )

Best Regards,


The Ohio State will always be better than the Spartans ;). How can you forget about Frank?!

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Cheers Spartan, good luck to you!

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Congrats Oseric on breaking the record!