Hero Spotlight: 4-Cep

I have met 4-CEP at multiple power levels in pvp and have had no problem defeating him. In fact he’s such a non existent threat I save him for last. To me he seems like just a really cool looking, high PI (power index), war hero.

He’s good against ronin because his beam activates a second faster then ronins reflect shield. So were probably going to see a lot of ronin sandbaggers complaining

Agreed. I have no problem against 4-Cep teams and always leave him for last. If he’s nerfed, he’ll be useless.

I like his bronze skill where it’s at. I don’t like his revive skill. Especially when he’s left for last…he should just die immediately. Not like he can siphon life from anyone lol.

I have to agree with @Th3r45mu4, his voice needs to be modified to a robotic voice. A unique voice/audio set is just as important as the animation and design of a hero.

I sincerely hope they modify it in the next update.

Wait, this game has audio…?


Oh boy another nerf thread. I use him. I win and I lose. Balanced. Nothing wrong.

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Nice one HH. You gave us a good hero that deals a lot of damage but has two critical weaknesses: he hates people hitting his face and pineapples

I just realized that Siren song can charge in 12 seconds too. What’s with the new heroes having such quick charge abilities and all the old heroes needing forever to charge up?

I just got 4cep to the same level as all my other plat characters. Let’s compare his stats to Kuno (after adding in their passives), who I have at the same level:

Health: 121,300
DPS: 25,750 (approx 50k with full offense)

Health: 277,662
DPS: 52,578 (including the effect from his passive)

The new character, without activating any skills, starts the match doing as much DPS as a full offense Kuno. He never drops below the DPS level of a full-offense Kuno, and will in fact do as much DPS as a full-offense Kuno activating honorless if he revives with his gold.

He does this insane level of DPS while having more than twice as much health as Kuno (he actually has as much health as my Mandrake, who is also at the same level). He also reduces damage against his body (so, practically speaking, he has significantly more health than Mandrake), has one auto revive (that triggers after 5 seconds and restores him to a potentially pretty good health level), has a quick charging, uninterruptable rooting and staggering bronze, and heal block.

So, to sum up, the new character doesn’t need to activate any skills to do more damage than a full-offense Kuno, has more health than Mandrake, and has great skills like self-revive and heal block. It’s a good thing he is buggy as hell or we’d all probably be complaining.


Power creep. Gotta keep the hamster wheel going.

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I don’t think I can play this game anymore. Maybe I’ll check back in a few months to see if heroes are balanced better.

Who knows next time you come by they may remove siren to make you happy

Too bad he has 2 achilles heels

Please elaborate…?

His head is a weak point, and he’s susceptible to pineapples

Does it count as a weakpoint if it still only takes as much damage as anyone else wouldve?

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I would apologize… …but I don’t like…hehehe
4-CEP is by far the ugliest of all heroes…sry… He looks to me like Gyro Gearloose’s sidekick in suspenders. If Hothead wants to touch up something then please do it very urgently there. Even though the short trailer from Terminator 1 was copied and C4 has a lot of power… even after the long time I always have to grin when I send the cyborg from the red light district into battle.
Sry HotHead… no pat on the back this time … I don’t mean that badly …tastes differ.

Put on the ID34 Bot skin and you don’t have to worry about how 4-Cep looks.


Hmmmm heheheh no… sry… not better :joy:.
Please don’t be angry with me.