Gauntlet 900

After 600 hundred gauntlet wins we deserve a quick win…


We don’t need another click the button just gather something. What they need to do with Gauntlet is make it tougher. I have a select team I run for each and every Sector. They never lose and don’t even come close to dying. In forged fantasy they make it tough. I can only make it through four and I’m only two heros shy of all of them. I can’t run in auto. I have to put my teams together where they have a winning chance. It takes longer but it sure is a hell of a lot more fun.

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I fully agree, im sorry for creating a new topic on the same subject, but I feel the calculation deserved to be SHOUTED out there… Please support all who agrees…

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I mainly agree only because it’s the only reliable way to get cash.

600, not 600 hundred*

And what do you mean by 600 gauntlet wins? Is it 1 sector = 1 win? 1 sector = 3 wins? All 5 sectors = 1 win???

600, 60.000.

Just a number, I do 30 runs a day, I’m playing more then a year.

30x300x20(seconds per run~) = 180.000

180.000/60/60 = 50 hours…

Oof is not helping this matter

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