Easter Eggs

Are the last 6 eggs already hidden or have they not been placed yet? Seems odd that we have been stuck at 94/100. for such a long time.


6 last eggs might just be really well hidden. Pretty sure they check all the locations before the hunt starts so i think that’s busted

closer to the date if still not found they will drop hints don’t worry

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Not this time! Good luck, everyone! We believe in you. You still have about a week and a half to get there.


Awww please @Muninn. Throw us a bone?
In all seriousness I take my hat off to HH. This hunt has been much more rewarding than the last. Having the chance to buy three plat six cores or three plat five cores (or both) is simply awesome. Thank you so much.
Now, about those hints…?

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No hints!! We can do this!! :fist::grinning:


What if I promised to only complain about coop pvp 1 every 2 weeks could we get a hint. Hehe


the rewards are outstanding!! these cores spared me so much effort! let’s try a little while longer without hints, i’m sure we can do it!

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You have about a week or so left. And there will be NO hints, so good luck!

You’re saying that to encourage us to find them. I know your tricks :wink:

While I would love nothing more than a successful scavenger hunt, I don’t want bailouts to be expected.

This may be the first time that the unique Skin isn’t earned. I’m perfectly fine having it be a legend that we never actually gave out because the Hunt wasn’t completed by the community.


We got 9 days left let’s come up with a plan and divide and conquer

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Well, community stars, it’s time to shine :slightly_smiling_face:

4 eggs …bro 4​:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: lets go

7 days 4 eggs … good luck eagle-eyed egg hunters!

first event that no one will complete but the munnin who already got kkkkkkkk cool :v:t2::sunglasses:

So this is the place we can chat about the scavenger hunt w/o being bullied to only post locations? I’ll try to let everyone know at the peril of being blocked from posting to the discord server -smh -LOL

I like to think that having the Rare Skin will encourage you, as you can see what kind of massive power bonus you get from having it. In the event that the community can’t complete the Scavenger Hunt, I’ll probably remove it from my account.

With that in mind, you can focus on completing the hunt, instead of being negative about the outstanding effort the community has put into this event.

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I’m not being negative anymore this time they hid it well kkkkkk congratulations to those who hid it seems that for the first time nobody will find kkkkkk

Saying “it seems that for the first time nobody will find” is still being negative haha. Don’t worry, we’ll find them! :muscle: