Co-op Hero Fragments and Currency Changes Coming Soon

Hothead must have seen that 360 frags / month for free was too much and bad for their monetisation so I think 240 is still alright considering they could have decreased them to 40.

The fixed rate for currency exchanges is a HUGE improvement, that, in of itself, should offset the price of the changed co-op hero frag adjustment.

In pure theory, co-op frags for other heroes has a price. My greatest disappointment is that heroes are becoming less and less of an achievement to get, and more of a grind-n’-pay reward. Way back when the heroes weapon, name, faction, and backstory was done for the contest, at least this made the hero’s reveal suspenseful.

I guess I’m not a fan of the “business-ificafion” of the game, with less developer involvement directly with the community. But in reality, this is what happens when you make a game achievable on two paths: a free position and a paid position. Two camps of people, each with their own preferences, has a different opinion on hero frags. Like politics, it ain’t pretty, but it’s simply the way it is.

Either way, I trust the free-market to do judgment on any of HHGs decisions. If you don’t like it, you’re not obliged to buy anything. If you do, go ahead and stick around and maybe buy something.

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Ulfpam… Sure… They could also give us 0 frags a month. The severity of how much worse it is… Doesn’t change the fact that it’s worse.

So since you guys are debating how the system works how about you actually see how it works first hand. Who knows, you might like it

I’m in favor of this upgrade. It’s hard to get a new piece of hero, but it’s easier to get another piece of hero. good job bro :smiley:


What is a fair base rate for gold —> cash (for example)? 40? 50? Until recently I never bought cash, still don’t buy skill points, and maybe once or twice bought stamina. But when I do get cash I never go above 20, so where they set the standard price will be key; I don’t think they id’d the price point yet. At what point did they receive feedback that x gold was too beaucoup?

Lol Faby…
Obligé de faire 20 caractères

Will the other frags be for the bounsed heroes? Or just any random hero in the game

I find it not very honest, 8 fragments per day are 56 in a week, so it is done specifically to not allow to be used the bonus hero in the first round of bounty!!!
if you want to use it in the first round you have to pay … yet another way to make fun of us !!! it’s all exactly like with Bucket !!!


There are usually more days than one week between the start of new co-op and the start of bounty.

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I really hope you’re right, you and I are wrong …



So this is an issue.

Initially, the pay rate was 10, 20, 20, 40, 40 etc. Now with the flat rate, it seems to be 25, 25, 25, 25, etc.

In other words, gold is now starting at a higher initial rate, making it more expensive for f2p players. Unless you guys notice an uptick in bonuses (2x, 5x, and so on), then it’s a worse deal than before. It’s a bummer that they made this decision, wish HHG was smarter than that. :cry::rage:


Wait what??? They increased the initial purchase cost to 25?? That’s hilariously ridiculous :joy: Count me out of that one - forever. Looks like we have a new form of robbery to take the throne from the custom crate for the worst value in the game.


Do you want them to earn money? tell them to put offers on gold. I would gladly spend money for gold on offers.

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I posted above about these changes and posed what a good starting point would be. Unfortunately no one responded. I think people were assuming they’d set the price point at 10 gold. I knew it would be more than 10; unfortunately I was correct. I mentioned that I just started to by cash; assuming buying cash is still a daily achievement, I’m thinking I’m not going to buy as often if at all.

So would i unjamon… Kind of my point. Don’t limit the frags and lower drop rate, just make us pay for it like w bucket.

Another example of this. Hero skill points are now a flat 20 gold. I would have to buy 3 purchases to get a better value.

(THEN —> 10+20+40=70) (Correct me if this is wrong).
(NOW —> 20+20+20=60)

Feels like a cash grab tbh

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Your math is wrong tho. 20+20+20=60

Just realized that and fixed it, along with the assessment @DESTROYER1DAN

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Just updated the game. Was excited for about 5 seconds. Then… A fixed amount of 60 gold each time I need a stamina refill is an improvement? This is BS. You sold this change like it was going to benefit us. This benefits YOU. This is an extremely inconsiderate move on your part. We’ve made you rich. Are we just dollar signs to you?