Characters to prioritize bringing to ruby

Approaching level 95…who should I prepare to bring to ruby first?

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Congratulations, I suggest Serial because he is mandatory at extreme levels… but I heard Fiber (which I dont have) is quite useful too.


Idk for fiber now, serial definitely


Serial & Fiber for sure. Fiber is a game changer in extreme campaigns. Other heros to prioritize to Ruby would be Mandrake, Phalanx, Kobalt, Saphire, Shivs, Kurtz & Flatline.
Those heros are all required in certain Extreme Campaigns at least up to 5-6 where I’m stuck at.
Hope this helps.

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She used to be, definitely not after her fix (nerf) :slight_smile:


She has not been nerfed. Not yet anyway.

Search forum for Fiber Nerf and you will find that when the Warden Update dropped, meaning it came with a guaranteed hero blitz. They pushed the update through this caused some sort of ripple effect which effected Fiber.
It has been under investigation as to what happened.
If she was nerfed it would be in update notes and her power level would have changed. My Fiber is still the same power level.
The Revenant update notes only mention Cinder and Shivs.

Serial/kurtz/hivemind/flatline/Halo/Mandrake/Krieger/Fiber if owned

hope this helps

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Ahh Kreiger & Halo I totally forgot. Good call!

Fixed or nerfed. Doesn’t matter. She’s not at her former performance. She’s not that op anymore.


Very true!

It has been awhile since their “investigation,” began, there should’ve been some kind of fix by now.

Don’t Ruby any support. First goal – your favourite damagers. Second – most useful tanks. Support don’t have any extra features (one exception – Fiber) and platinum support with 4-6 bars do the same as Ruby.


Makes perfect sense. My first two Rubys were Serial & Lancer!

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