Better Black heroes

Can you all make more black hero’s and with some significant abilities that players would enjoy using maybe healing abilities for team and a gun that can shoot properly and just good all around


Not entirely sure what this post is meant to imply but racial grouping or splitting of heroes is not a direction HHG will ever go in. Some of the best heroes in the game don’t even have a face or skin colour btw, whether a hero is black, white, green (Serial) or Asian it shouldn’t be a deciding factor on if a hero is “good” or not


Don’t we have Phantasma just a while ago? Also, I absolutely adore Butter, good shielder and he is just hot!


Agreed however if you notice all of the 5 black heroes are not good I’m just saying, is there a reason for that or are you not aware that psychology understands that ppl do things that reflect themselves, don’t be naive that you can make more black heroes and better. Look at characters that are black the four men are same build and one woman the men big and slow but strong stereotype you all can represent us better all I’m saying. My simple request was to acknowledge the facts and do better. Not trying to make a big deal I like the game I play all the time and I spend money on the game. I was just asking if you can make more black characters and different.


What’s wrong with Shank, Phoenix, Fran, Icebox? Shank is a must for most Extreme level and a pvp beast.


I mean the way I see it, I play games to not look at gender or race and such. You’re playing a game with a chicken electric lady and a full grown jackal wolf man in a team with a fat white man dressed as Santa. The problem with race is HHG is damned if they decide to just make heroes without race, they are damned if they try combine races and they are damned if they make heroes with specific races for being more or less inclusive. I get people like to see themselves as the heroes they play sure, but understand that the colour of the heroes skin should not be preventing you from wanting to be whatever hero you want or imagine yourself as


Let me name a few of them that i adore and use very often
Cyphon, Phantasma, Francoise, Phoenix. Kobold, Shank (Shank is freaking awesome)
Now when i look at this list it seems all of these named heroes are actually really good. Maybe not as good as serial or fiber are but i love using them

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Also. Some masked heroes. Maybe even serial could be black. So there might even be a lot more


Phantasma, Steel, Shank, Fran, Butter, Oro, Richter, Cyphon, Icebox, Baron, Phoenix all have unique skills and abilities that can be good in battle. Its just a matter of how you use them.

Serial is a robot, so they don’t necessarily have a race except the robot race.

Each of these heroes have different guns. Some shoot fast, some shoot slow. And some pack a punch.


Positive I agree just want to see more and better


Look at the general build of all of the black male heroes all of whom you just mentioned and you mean to tell me that that’s not a coincidence or that black males have to be physically big and strong to become heroes on this game all I’m asking is that they put them in more variety and give them some good abilities cmon you can’t tell me that is asking to much

Cyphon and Icebox don’t have the physical big build like you say. They are average size. Richter doesn’t have a choice because majority of his body is cybernetic. Steels is like that cause of sports.

They already have good abilities. I don’t see what is wrong with abilities like healing, destroying cover, going invisible.

Feel like this discussion won’t end well, so i end my response here.

Good day :tophat:


I don’t see importance of what race is any hero, if someone is good i am going to use him/her.

This is definitely not the way they should go for. Next time someone may ask for more good Eskimo heroes, someone else may want good Albino heroes.
All in all its ridiculous.


I like the mix. I am fine with however it is now and i accept anything the devs throw at us

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So I guess you are looking for a small thin/anorexic black male, someone who looks like he could be blown away in a small gust.
And next maybe we could start talking about the availability of different species as well, I mean we only have a wolf man what about other cross species

Where is the were Jaguar, the mermaid, maybe killer croc also should be here.

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Ifrit fits this bill easily? The way I see it, the fall to be more or less inclusive is an argument that won’t ever hold water as it always leads to posts like this but for other things and in other directions


Yup, thats why gender/race/religion/nationalities should be left out of this game and heroes should be looked only based on their abilities.


I think the problem is that he’s looking at the color of the character’s skin instead of the skillset and how each skillset can be complimented with others. Read the skills and think of how you can pair it, and you will enjoy the game a lot more versus focusing on what the character looks like.


I don’t think an inappropriate post like this will produce any beneficial discussion. Heroes should not be “better” or “worse” based on the color of that hero’s skin. :man_facepalming:t3:


This conversation could very well end well. I’m not trying to find a problem just asked for more inclusion and gave examples however if you choose not to understand that or my perspective we can agree to disagree no hard feelings. However you won’t try to understand that so it is what it is. I will still like to see more black characters in variety

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