Alliance Commanders! Let some new/lower level players into your high ranking Alliance, it's good for you and the game!

I recently lowered the level requirment for my alliance to let a new player join and it has been great!

He really appreciates being in my alliance because we’re active, have experience and answer questions. He has ready access to people who can carry in co-ops if needed and he can share some of the higher level event rewards and build quicker.

What’s in it for me and my alliance? I’m a nice guy anyway and like helping people out, but I do benefit as well. I get a new alliance member who is motivated and loyal to my alliance. Because we’re all helping him, he levels up quickly as well which just helps for future events.

We all have 25 spaces in our alliances, so we can all carry at least one or two new/lower level players, the inpact on your alliance ranking will be minimal imediately and improved in the future! I play the long game anyway, so I’m happy with this kind of strategy. Maybe you would be too, but you just haven’t thought about it.

Give it a go!

[MAAD] Everyday Players

P.S. I’m taking applications for my next “New Player” send me an in game message and I’ll let you know when I have a space! :slight_smile:

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Very good idea bro I likes it… I am in NZAUS alliance… We also bring some low level players…

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What would we do if taking low player is prob for higher players they leave alliance goes down so we should take only 2-3 low players

Got a spot? I’m low level super active player (36) and do everything I can everyday to the point of having no pvp raid coop raid or campaign energy left Haha got 3 of the new warlocks characters aswell!

That’s great! That’s the type of people I want in mine.

I would suggest that taking 1, 2 or 3 low level players would have a minimal impact on your Alliance ranking and probably not be a problem for your higher level players. Taking more than that in at one time probably would effect your ranking. But once you’ve helped the lower level members level up, you can start again when you get more spots open up.

As you can read my reply in last words you will find something

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