2021 Hunter Awards - The Votes are In!

Gotta love how every single team setup in the running has Marianas in it :unamused: and yeah, klayton was robbed.

Day #2 and I can totally see Ryker getting a nasty upgrade! That would be sick! Bring our hero back up to the frontā€¦and maybe a killer skin while we are at it?

Maybe he gets accustomed to some body modifications, ala Kurtz or Serial style? :wink:

Never thought to add Keel to a Marianas teamā€¦now I must try this lolol

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people do not know how to play takes everything seriously so the human lives less ā€¦:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Kiyoushi donā€™t kill anything himself, lol. All her damage itā€™s sinergy from Marianas and Krieger. If someone newcomer who reads this decide what she is DD this will be ouch, lol.

For most useless hero I still vote for Xianxong. Ryker have decent damage and good fire rate and reload. His weakness itā€™s low health and armor. Klayton not useless too ā€“ after rework and adding of Silhouette big boy became good mediocre character.

How the heck did Torque or Xianjiu not get the Klayton award? Did people literally forget they existed?? Looool

But I am surprised that people think Ryker needed a buff, nobody spoke of that stuff here on the forums or discord.


Thereā€™s literally ppl that currently Ryker-bag in free play. I play at least a couple hundred rounds a day and run into this frequently. If he were to get buffed it might actually be a decent strategy. As someone who always uses Fran, his skills are quite disruptive and with a buff heā€™d presumably be a better version of Hideo. Iā€™m all for the Ryker buff as mine is almost maxed as far as I can go at lvl 93. (10 star, 5 bar, almost). For obvious reasons, I havenā€™t poured any resources into the other two candidates.

To what we said before: there are way more people playing the game outside of the Discord, forum, and VIP communities! Their voices were also heard.

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I personally never invested in Ryker, as I perceived him to be an early-mid tier hero who didnā€™t thrive at higher levels. Hideo always did seem like the better investment.

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Is ryker really worse.than klayton?!!! Shocker!

Klayton is god. And i forgot about Ryker tbh. Donā€™t even have him at plat

Seriously Ryker need a buff ? Wtf.
Ryker is my favorite hero by far but he dont need a buff, wtf, so many hero need buff, like klayton,torque,steel,elite rifle,xianju and many many more before Ryker! I think i dont play the same game of every players.

The big problem with this game is not to buff,nerf hero. The problem is if you take ahero like Ryker you do big damage if you take him (auto or manually) but if you take Ryker in 2-3-4-5th position in your team, he do nothing, many hero are like that, i really like Hardscope but because i take control of Ryker , Hardscope in 2th he do nothing, but if i take Hardscope in 1th he do more damage than Ryker, so the game is really bad balanced for that ( sorry english is not my first language)

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Nobody wants Torque or Xianjiu to be buffed. Theyā€™re beyond redemption, I think.

Now, Rykerā€™s buff, even if slight, could be amazing.

ā€˜Who needed a buff the mostā€¦ā€™

  • Xianjiu is too big to benefit from a buff, heā€™s simply an active-skill meat shield. Charge up!
  • Klayton already got his buffs this year. So heā€™s out.
  • MK.2 was also buffed and as a result, became a personal fav for many different areas of the game.
  • Elite Rifleman? Might as well just play Jackal.

But our first hero. Ryker. Mid to late game, heā€™s hardly used. HMMMMMM. Ding ding ding, we have our winner. Obviously, the majority wants the gameā€™s first main hero to shine a bit more.


No oneā€™s ever beyond redemption.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: There is always hope!


I voted ryker as I like to control him in pvp. Making a good hero best is better than buffing patrol squad ( Xianjiu, kalyton, ā€¦ )

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Dont know to much about others, but ryker, and nightingale are day 1s. First time I played when I seen ryker jump over that cover with a automatic, i was like nice heā€™s been top on my list always. And nightingale is an o.g she deserves Queen huntress of the decade. And donā€™t underestimated her shot. And butter got his wings as he deserves.

Wow, a tie. Thatā€™s interesting.
Iā€™m also surprised there wasnā€™t a Serial in any of the PvP awards, but I guess I can see it deserving to go to those winners.

As for the Klayton award, I really think people were just messing with that. Isnā€™t it funny that the one award that isnā€™t a Ryker goes to Ryker? And Klayton was a runner up for his own award For all the hate Elite Rifleman and Shank and Mandrake get in these forums, I just have a hard time believing the results on this. I donā€™t have MK 2 so I donā€™t know how over and under powered they are

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Battleground of the Year and Klayton award was determined by community votes, while PVP Dominator and Squad of the year is based off in-game data and analytics info.

Iā€™ll give you a sneak peak of the Klayton Award votes:

  1. Ryker - 70 votes
  2. MK 2 - 62 votes
  3. Klayton - 61 votes

Coming up close behind we also had Torque with 58 votes, Nightingale with 43 votes, and Dogface with 37 votes.

The community has spoken!


@Skathi thank you for the full transparency. itā€™s still mind boggling that Serial did not win a single award #stopthesteal :slight_smile:


K. Yeah Iā€™m not saying you guys are lying or anything, those MK and Klayton votes are close. How many people voted in general?